
In the the following two weeks you wil follow lessons from Marijke, Michelle, Wilma and Karlijn.
In these lessons you will get the exercises you see in the list below.
Please upload your output and reflections in the page connected to the assignment.
Click on the exercise to go to this page.

Please use the offered structure but apart from that feel free to go wild!

HOME: Solvitur ambulando
Teachers: Marijke, Michelle, Karlijn, Wilma
Content: https://2021.mywdka.nl/WDK20PR1D/
Teams: E, D, F

Monday: go for a walk and post your postcard
Monday: make a postcard for your peer
Tuesday: capture togetherness in an individual walk (3 small exercises)
Tuesday: digital journeys
Friday: Re-work the postal piece you received and send your iteration to three other peers.
Second Tuesday: interest + inspiration + major = ?
In this Hotglue page we build a collaborative archive.
So no page for each of you but a collections of different interpretations of the same exercises or starting points.
Second Wednesday: Publish one or two of your writing experiments from today. (Optional)
Wednesday: Structure a piece of writing while walking.