HOME: Solvitur ambulando
Teachers: Marijke, Michelle, Karlijn, Wilma
Content: https://2021.mywdka.nl/WDK20PR1D/
Teams: E, D, F

On top of your post:
- your name and class (E/D/F)
In your post:
-Present and/or reflect on your journeys in audio, visuals, text or a combination of the three. Please use the offered structure but apart from that feel free to go wild!

After you posted:
- Make a screenshot which you file on your own computer just in case... (you are responsible for archiving your exercises).

Friday: Re-work the postal piece you received and send your iteration to three other peers.
"Am I hearing this right?" An audiovisual postcard
Walking alone, but putting it together

Group E
Bella, Flora, Sasha and Tesra

We all collected 3 videos and 3 audios while walking. We combined the videos with different audios to create interesting effects. So it seems like we were all walking together. All having a piece of the "post" and then combining it, making it communal "post".

It was really fun collecting the video and audio, because you have no idea what sound will be under which video.

For this project, we used walks as a way to research and gather interesting materials. While walking, we tried to be conscious about interesting, beautiful, funny or special things around us that we could record. We each tried to focus especially on recording things the others would not have access too. Those who were in the city focused on city views and sounds and those who were in more natural areas focused on that. We wanted to do this in order to capture our environments and the differences between them better.

This project is social on a couple different levels. Firstly, because we were all walking and recording the clips at the same time, even though there was a lot of distance between us. The result is also a collaboration because it involves the work of the whole group. It is quite interesting to watch the final video now, our videos and audios are intertwining and overlapping each other, so they blend together in a way. This creates new and interesting effects.
3 Postcard iterations
Boy Aubert
Class E
Assignment 6
Yejin Woo (1006225)
Group E

Flora gave me a postcard with 2 pictures that overlapped and I could change the background picture with another one where I would like to go which was Korea for me.

So I asked Chris, Ahlam, and Diana where they would like to go after this corona is done and these were the answers.

Diana - Around the Netherlands
Ahlam - Norway to see the Northern lights
Chris - Vence in France

I made a drawing out of their answers and also made it in a way that Flora used so they can change the drawing with another picture or drawing.

Sanne ter Haar
Class E
Together we made a playlist with songs we like. After that we took all a different walk and took pictures/made illustrations.
I combined our different walks in 2 illustrations.
Malin Dolena Brady
In the same group as Sanne, I combined the different environments from our walk. I also included a text from the letter I first got from Daisy.
Alex Basic

I made postcards with some personalized advice in poetry that might help each person I wrote to. I was in group with Zora, Daisy, and Boy.
Ems van den Brink
1001331, group E

I was in the group with Sanne, Malin, Alice and Carin. I made an illustration where you can see different elements from different photo's and the texts says something about the way the songs made me feel.
Diana Ionita, group E
I chose to get to know my group (Ahlam, Chris, Yejin) and make a playlist recommending songs. The first 4 are each of our favorite songs, while the last 3 I picked based on the conversations we've had and the vibe I got from my classmates. Click the photo for the link.
Carin Bejenaru
Group E
Digital postcared made after taking a walk while listening to songs recommended by each peer
Paul Mogwitz
Group E
I made a digital postcard which is adressing the postcard I received.
The postcard I received talks about me, who is desperately looking for a working space/atelier, and how I now have to work in a different way.
Therefor I took the Sunday, which was a nice day for everyone I think, and made a song which i combined with random recordings I made during a long walk on this day. Its therefor telling a story, showing places and is my way to show my Atelier that i made up on this day.
Daisy Hoogwerf
group E
i was in a group with Alex B. Zora and Boy
In the card i received there were flowers drawn. I wanted to do something with that and the time flowers last. We give flowers to celebrate something or to let people know we are there for them. But they don’t last long. I decided to make a serie in which the first card you can still touch the flower but it will probably already be dead the moment you get it. The second one is a different way of shipping instead of it being in an envelope I froze the flower in water together with the message. Now you also have to wait until it melts to get the flower. The last one is fully packed and will never be opened. You can see the flower but you will never be able to touch it.
For the first letter I made a very traditional collage, so I wanted to go full on crazy digital on these ones. Johanna Hedva completely inspired me with their website page for On Hell. So I started to make digital "letters" for everyone, about themselves. In the first assignment I shared things about my life so this time I wanted to do the opposite. You can visit the sites by clicking on the pictures or links:)
Chris Nelck 0999485
Yejin, you said that "go forward" is the meaning of your name.
so I make these cards for you :)
Kian Peter
Group E
Chris I make from the meaning of your last name cards to send it to you :)
Diana, I have been looking for the meaning of your name and I see that mean the goddess of the forests , what such a beautiful name ;)

so I draw for you this forest :)
Assignment: Re-work the postal piece you received and send your iteration to three other peers.
R. Shobani
Alice Petronzio
Group E
Zóra Bencsik
Group E

I had a a couple of old Christmas cards left. At first I really wanted to dechristmasise them, but then Boy told me that since it's about to snow it's not that out of context.
3 of my pauls instagram posts in a sketch

Demi Guijt
Group D

I had to fill in a maze on my previous postcard and I did that with a line. So I had the idea of connecting the three postcards that I had to make. That is why I chose to make one line drawings. These one line drawings are inspired by the tattoo (ideas) of the people that I was in a group with. The drawings are connected through one line and after that I cut them in the postcard size and sent the postcards to them.

Together with Manon, Iris and Lorenz we all made something individual on the coherent terms of our previous cards,
which are;
Ice skating, Fabric, Doodles and Instructions.

We all got together in person and swapped our iterations around so that everyone got something personal.
Karya Anliak
Group D
In Demi's postcard I made an elephant baking an appelflappen illustration. I learned that she has a tattoo about it and it's her favorite animal so I combined the post I recieved and her favourite animal.
In Daniel's post card I learned that he likes Mexican food and cooking so I baked an appelflappen for him with a little surprise spice.
We had a talk with Meintje about movies and trailer. I made a movie poster with the steps of appleflappen.
Group D

I made these 2 embroidery flowers which I gave to Iris, blue representing the ice.
Daniel Bercovici
Group D

These are the three booklets that I sent to my teammates: Karya, Meintje, and Demi.
I made these booklets from the blank pages of the book I received from Meintje, my first correspondent. I filled the pages with collages and recommendations based on the conversations that we had.

I find it really cool that somehow the book kind of returned to Meintje or that my first “postcard” was shared with other colleagues too.
Meintje' book
Jeroen Icks 1000010
Class D
Postcard I
Some doodles with envelopes
Sending my ground by cutting out a map of my hometown Venlo.
Overprinting the map with the adreses of the four receivers.
Common ground 2.0. What are other ways to be on the ground of the other? This graphic post card with only the adres of the receiver makes it possible for the receiver to be on the ground of my hometown. Of course after a research of the graphic city map.

Meintje Bastemeijer
Group D

I made these postcards (for Karya, Demi and Daniel) that were inspired by the mail I received from Daniel. He used fabric for his mail, so I did this too. For the back I used my teammates's favourite foods :)
Zoe Krahmer
Group D

For the postcards our group (Carla, Laura, Rolandas and I) decided on asking each other two questions, which we would then all answer. This way we could get to know each other a little bit better in a way you normally wouldn't (the questions were very random)

The postcard I received the first time from Manon consisted doodles of many round shapes made of long lines.
So for my own postcard I tried to incorporate all of the answered questions in a doodle consisting of one continuous line.
Justinas Prekeris

I was in a group with Katrina, Rachel, and Rosalie. While talking to them, I noticed that each of the postcards they received had a certain element, for instance, Katrina had a fire, Rosalie had dirt, Rachel got textile. Therefore, I associated this with Baltic mythology. The elements each of my groupmate have has a certain god in paganism. I decided to make quick digital postcards.
Laura van Mosselveld
Group D

My group consisted of Carla, Rolandas, Zoë and me. We decided that we would all ask 2 questions and answer them (also our own, so in total 8). In the last exercise Yara made me a rope sling with photo's, I really liked that so I made my own for my group. I made some collages for them including their answers on the questions.
Click Here for the final Mail>>
Carla Demonte
1011985 Group D

My Group was with Zoë, Rolandas and Laura. I created a trip through Rotterdam with some of my favourite spots. I used their favourite colours and tried to adapt the illustration Oona made for me of an architecture atelier, through using creative spaces within the tour. The final mail is published on a website linked to this website:)
Rolandas Banaitis
Group D

I was in a group with Zoe, Carla and Laura. Previously I had received ''map'' of my own trips. So I decided to make 3D shots of places/countries mentioned by them.
Postal piece I received from Daniel
Yara Perotti (1005770) Group D

The postcard I received had to do with my new house in Rotterdam. That is why I thought it would be fun to draw a window on each card, to get a glimpse into the lives of Karya, Daniel, Demi and Meintje. We had a little chat at Zoom to give each other feedback and get to know each other a little better. I also looked at everyone's instagrams in order to recreate something from them. I copied Demi's tattoo, Daniel's graphic that he had made, Meintje had posted a picture of a nice quote and Karya had posted a picture of a project of the social practice, where we also happened to have worked together. These are the cards:

iris Bos (098485) group D

the postcards we reived were very different from each other and after conversing for more then an hour we expressed how much we all liked food and baking eventhough it didnt really match our letters. we had a theme about skating, scribbles and fabric so made an apple cake thats wraped around in fabric. we then met up to give it to each other and from it. i loved how appreciated it was and it motivates me to make more stuff you can share and enjoy, especially in these days.
Rachel Clements
Group D

I was in the group with Katrina, Rosalie and Justinas and while talking there some key information that stuck to me about them and decide to make these fun imagery about our conversation each have there own element and imagery related to them.

Katrina Krieke
Group D
We known each other with Yarra from the Autonomous practice. I made an illustration of me messing up baking the appelflapen.
Rosalie van Wetten
Group D

The Mailart I received was based on
the conversation I had with Jeroen.
We had talked about where
we lived and what it was like.
Jeroen then send me a literal piece
of where he'd been at the time,
and I received an envolope filled with dirt.
For the next exercise, Rachel, Katrina,
Justass and I discussed our postcards.
I used the main themes of their
postcards as inspiration
for the postcard I was sending them:
bread, clothing and fire.
I combined these with the dirt
I received from Jeroen.
Lorenz Beckmann Group D
I also tried my hand for the first time at embroidery, but noting limited talent and patience for this I added some baking (idea unashamedly stolen from the appelflap group). I made some banana bread to compliment the skates and brought this to our group meet up.
Liza Koval
Group D

I was in a group with Lucy, Jeroen and Niki. I decided to incorporate the card I have received from Eva, about a self care guide. During our meetings we got to know each other and I made a personalised fun self care guide for everyone :)
Kyra ten Brink
Group F
I was kind of lost about where I wanted to go with my iteration. Then I saw a beautiful poem that kind of inspired me to make a visual letter out of. It is about time, time passing, change etc. and I found it to be so fitting for these times. Times in which we can feel stuck, or not, but in which we can use some comforting words. This poem really did that for me so I wanted to do something with it.

Link of my digitial letter
Emma Broese van Groenou
Group F

Postcards for: Marijn, Valerie and Rijk
So for the cards, I added the squirrel that Pepijn drew in the card he sent me the first round. It's so tiny and cute I added it on the backside where I wrote a message to the specific person I made the card for. I think I struggled the most with Marijn's card. As I tried to do something I had absolutely never done before, I just hope she and the others like their cards. :D

Room 3 "The plant parents" (Eva, Nicholas, Siebe, Bibi): We decided to meet up and buy a plant for each other. The most unfortunate thing happened, we walked around at the market searching for plants but we couldn't find any so we just went to the markthal and when we went home,
Eva sends us pictures of so many plants ON the market where we just walked.... it was on the other side. But the nice part of it was that I liked how we connected with each other through this experience. And I honestly think that I will not forget our meeting whenever I look at 'our' plant.

For the postcard, I used the bag that we all received from the plant shop as the background and continued to make a collage of our day on top of it. I added one of the drawings from
Alexandra (who made me a postcard) in each card and I also tried to match the color scheme of her postcard with mine for the group.



Group F

I received a postcard with a lot of text on it. A postcard with humor and fun in it. Since I remembered our conversation where Yeijn told me she likes to read and learn new languages I decided to do something with a famous Dutch fairy tale named 'Pinkeltje'. The three postcards are each part of the story.
- Title book
- Chapter
- Illustration

In this way all the three postcards are connected to each other with help of this story but with no clue for the receiver. Still you can read something out of every card.

- Nicholas Westgård

- Group F
Plant flip-book sent to me by Eva, showing off her favourite plant named Haverd.
Both the postcard I sent, and the one I recieved were depicting our favourite household plants. We both decided to share what made us feel comfortable in our homes. Going into this second round of postcards, I knew that I wanted to incorporate the theme of comfort in ones personal space.

When the group started talking, we realized that all four of us had a connection and love for houseplants. Instead of sending postcards in the mail, we thought it would be nice to exchange something in person. So on tuesday, we all met up at a market, in order to share the experience of buying matching plants. We had to walk around a bit before we finally found a place we could buy our plants, which actually was a nice thing, as it gave us more time to get to know eachother. We all bought one succulent for another person, before parting ways.

Now each of us (like a post card) has something physical that we can keep. Whenever I nurture my plant, I will be able to remember the connection and experience the four of us shared. Actively chosing to take care of the plant therefore becomes emblematic of keeping hold of that memory.
The plant Bibi chose for me
kirsten van ieperen group f

we talked about movies and adams mustache so thats where i based my cards on.
these are for adam,adriano and samantha.
Siebe Wopereis
Group F

For this assignment we just started talking and seeing if we have some interest in common. In a few minutes we came to the conclusion that we are all interested in houseplants. We all have plants but have some trouble taking care of them. So we decided to meet each other and buy plants for each other to give as a sort of present/postcard.
We went looking at the market but we couldn’t find a plant stand anywhere so decided to go to the markthal and search for plants. Only to later realize that we walked past the plant stand.
But this walk gave us the opportunity to get to know each other because we’ve only seen each other via Zoom. So it was a nice experience with a nice gift.
The plant Eva gave to me
For this assignment we showed each other's received cards during the break out room.
Then I took inspiration from my homemade cards and the received card.
From the inspiration I made a combination and then incorporated it into the cards.
Dana Zomer - Group F

To tell the truth, as soon as I went into a call with my group we realized that one person had to go to work. We scheduled for the next day but that didnt happen either. Later on I found out that we all along had an additional person in our group that we didnt know at all. We discussed that instead we can share with each other a spotify playlist that we could listen to when we go on a walk.
My playlist: 
My group's playlists were all of a very specific mood (mostly relaxing music) and I realized that I was completely different in my music tastes. Instead I decided to make the most obnoxious playlist as my music is all over the place and I wanted my playlist to reflect that.

I decided to make a sort of digital letter anyways, but quickly realized I knew nothing about my team. Instead I wanted to showcase that by just putting a black background with the spotify mix.
Marijn Fokkema 0927038 group F 
Unfortunately I was to excited to send all the letters to Michelle, Yip and Veerle. Because of that I totally forgot to document the results before I sent them.
This is why I made a little sketch showing what I made. Considering that I live abroad the results won’t arrive soon enough to be graded.

With these 3 examples I tried to play with the expectations I had receiving the previous card. I tried to think of what I felt like.
With this in mind the three iteration were created. For Yips I was really inspired by the zine he made for Kirsten. That’s why I made my own version.

(Celestine Group F)
Valerie Bergen
group F

postcards for Rijk (based off his interests/style and the postcard I got from Celestine)
Valerie Bergen
Group F
Postcard for Emma (based off her interests/style and the postcard I got from Celestine)
Valerie Bergen
Group F

Postcard for Marijn (based off her interests/style and the postcard I got from Celestine)
Adam Skotarczak

Group F 
Francis Belte 1008215

I sent meme stickers to my group and I took inspiration from the printing style of the Postcard that Kyra sent me and I really enjoyed sending people anolog memes.
Samantha Heymans - Group F

Cards I received!

Cards I received! (From Adam, Kirsten )
During our conversation we took inspiration from the previous groups we had heard talk about movies!

We quickly released we kind of all like the same kind of movies, or at least in the same sphere. Disney, Marvel and Star Wars!

At first I was going to send something related to my favorite ones, but I really couldn't choose. I then starting thinking just what I really like about movies; stories of course! And something I used to love to do was imagine a character I made myself in the world of the movie, following their own written story.

So I ended up mailing two different products: a letter from "someone from disney" congratulating the recipient for winning the oppertunity to have their own story featured in the movie universe, and they second product being: a little booklet for easy character creation! Seeing as it's not always easy haha.
Yejin Lee
Group F
I could not receive the mail from Gaby yet, but I saw what she sent me on hotglue page. She sent me some of her favorite tea bags, so I made a postcard with my go-to tea bag, too.

Cards I send! (To Adam, Kirsten & Adriano
Lara Boon

to Xander
I hadn't received that I had to get last week so I couldn't take any inspiration from it. So my card consisted of two of my analog photos and a collage about Motown and harassment, since that was the topic we discussed.
We decided to write or give our favourite songs or the song we feel most safe with listing to it. So that when you walk to the postbox to post it you can listen to it as well to make you feel safe.