Tuesday: capture togetherness in an individual walk (3 small exercises)
Relection Sasha de quaasteniet: 

I love going for walks, I go for a walk almost everyday, so I kinda already have my own walking habit. I usually listen to my music and refelect, so listening to someone else music or getting instructions could be a little annoying. However I did enjoy the small assignments.
Alex Basic (D.)
Going on a quiet walk, on a wet winter day might not seem appealing at first. Beautiful nevertheless, the walk soon for me turned into a walking zen form of meditation.
10/10 would recommend.
i found clarity and joy during the walk. at moments i viewed obstacles which reflected both on the mental and physical endeavour while passing the muddy nature area, the rain had long been forgotten as an irritation.. the playfulness of getting mud on my body and shoes had befriended me.. as i moved through the climate i found joy in creating challenges that included mud and water. overal i had a pleasant observation of how one creates moments and lives in them

R.S 1014582
Reflection - Kian Peter

The walk I had taken was very peaceful as I walked away from the city centre. less traffic and noise which filled up my senses. As I walked I was sort of put off by the man talking in the background. I would have enjoyed it much more in silence taking my surrounding in more.

Ems van den Brink
1001331, group E

During the walk I was able to focus on myself for a moment. I usually walk together with other people, so this was a new experience. Above you see a small visualization
Malin Dolena Brady
The walk was nice and peaceful, despite the cold and wet weather. I did not fully enjoy the meditation part, as I had a lot of trouble concentrating-
I did feel like I focused more on my surroundings, as I am usually in my own thoughts or focused on music when walking.
Beyza Demirci (1010432)
I really enjoy going for a walk in rainy weather. Especially the first song was perfect. During the walk I enjoyed the meditation and I tried to focus on just small sounds that I very appreciate for example the raindrops on my umbrella .

Alice Petronzio, Group E
it was good to go walking and meditating, it has been a long time since I practice meditation.
it is a kind of peace, relaxation, knowing again myself, and rediscovering.
this is a picture I took when I was walking, it explains my feeling in that moment of peace and exploring thing in my soul.
I enjoyed the walk. I liked the meditation part, to just clear my head. I also liked the assignment to collect these different things and in that way think of relating themes and links with different objects. I didn’t really like the cold. I did like the rain, walking through rain has something nice to it in my opinion. And as icing on the cake I found 5 euros, on the street, at the end of my walk. So I think I can conclude this was a good walk.
-Sarah Zwerus Group E
Bella Kreeft
Group E
I was walking along a river, so it was quite peaceful despite the rain. When I closed my eyes I could visualize myself in a forest, hearing birds around me. I liked the walk and it was very calming. There were not a lot of people outside so it was easy to focus on the mp3. Normally I don't listen to music when I go for a walk (I always walk with my sister so we just talk) But now that I was alone I really liked listening to the music.
Diana Ionita, group E
Unlike my classmates, I didn't find the walk as calming. As soon as I got outside, a man came up to me to ask for money, and I was scared he would follow me after I said I didn't have any. He didn't, but I still had the feeling something might happen. I tried to focus on my feet and rhytm instead, but with all the traffic and rain, I couldn't keep a meditative mindset for more than a few seconds at a time. Towards the end I found an instalation playing a video of a tiger. I think that was my favorite part.
Flora Lamy
Class E

I think a walk is a really nice way to disconnect. I really liked that we got activities to do during the time, because it distracted me in a good way, so I disconnected from everything else. I really enjoy doing small and simple assignments because it breaks up my mind from other bigger projects that can take over my mind.
Reflection - Sanne ter Haar

The walk was relaxing but also a bit sad, because of the rain/ cold and slow music in my ear.
I like walks more when the sun is shining and happy tunes are playing:)

Chris Nelck
As I expected, I had a very hard time meditating. I'm extremely easily distracted and cannot concentrate on something for too long. I do like walking a lot. Especially if we are hunting for treasures while doing so. I misheard the assignment and took photos instead, but I kind of like them. The weather was actually pretty nice. It is way more quiet when it rains and because I live outside of the city I only crossed paths with two other people. On the way back I put on my own music and ran for a bit. Which, funny enough, calmed me completely.
Going on the walk was cool!
I really liked the montage of music
and relaxations. I get the most inspiration from music which helped me to make the photo's.

Boy Aubert
Class E
Assignment 4

Carin Bejenaru
Group E
It was raining outside, I was cold and waiting for the assignment to be done with for most of the time. However, on my way home I realized the importance of getting fresh air and getting up and out of my house to move a little bit and I arrived home feeling better than when I left. I couldn't enjoy the mp3 fully because of my bad disposition, but the walk overall reminded me of the importance of awareness and meditation in my life.
Tesra v.d Bogert, Reflection
Group E

At the beginning of the walk my thoughts were still in different places. after walking for some time I noticed that this changed and that I was more aware of everything around me. The rain was a bit cold and annoying at the beginning, but on the way back I was completely used to it and I let everything come over me. I walked by my parents who live near a beautiful piece of nature. On the way I met several animals, including a wild deer. it was a fun/fine experience. The podcast also gave me a kind of peace when I listened to it and didn't necessarily have to think about where I was going.
Zóra Bencsik Group E
The weather was really damp and foggy It wasn't that cold but the dampness made it feel colder. It felt like everything was sedated and still. Things only moved if they were made to.
I sat down on a bench I sat there for a bit and when I wanted get up I realized that I feel sedated too.

Daisy Hoogwerf
group E
first i had to get used to listening to a podcast while walking but after I felt more connected to my surrounding and I realized and saw more the imprint we leave on the earth.
Yejin Woo (1006225)
Group E

Calm / Peace / Rest
Manon, Group D
I like walking around the city but I usually go in the afternoon after 16H therefore going on a walk at 10h in the morning was a total different experience, the city looks different, the shadows are more harsh and distinct, there are less people in the streets, the weather feels more fresh and cold, the sun is shy hiding behind tall buildings. It felt more peaceful and quiet due to the lack of noise from human and the more distinct sounds of animals such as brids.
Group D
I found it difficult to stick to a constant rhythm or cadence like th
Demi Guijt
Group D
I really enjoyed the walk. It was very peaceful. I do already take a lot more walks these days but I never do them in the morning. I do want to take them more often in the morning.
I also was already familiar with Headspace but I had never listen to it while walking. When the recording was over I started listing to a bit more up tempo music. I really liked that combination of first calm, relaxing music and then after well a bit more up tempo. It put me in a good and happy mood :).
Katrina Krieke, Group D
When I woke up this morning I wasnt expecting that I was gonna go outside that early. I had just woken up and my hair was dirty but I did it anyways. It didn't effect my walking abilities but I did want to be out of the public eye more so I took less busier streets. I was happy that I went outside since I don't do it that often. It was fun. 7/10
1005735 - GROUP 1D

I really enjoyed the walk. It was very peacefull and nice to do mindfullness in the morning like this and to do something 'toghether' in times like these. i felt togetherness, which was very nice. To be aware of your environment, body and senses and noticing the rhythm of my walking. I noticed how many trash people leave behind, much unnecessary. My attention also went to the multi-culturedness of my surroundings and what the music did to my mind and my point of view to my surroundings.
Zoë Krahmer
I have to say the walk was quite enjoyable. I can always find a certain calm in walking through the city alone (of course I also enjoy companions). I could dwell on the fact that the ice was melting and it wasn't the nicest weather out, but getting fresh air these days is a feat I treasure and enjoy all the same.
I enjoyed the walk to start the day, even though I felt really tired at the beginning. It helped me focus on the coming day. I really liked the 'warm' air ( looking at the last few days)
Carla Demonte
It was actually hard to focus at first and listen to the directions but when I arrived at the park I felt relaxed and peaceful. Realizing the nature around me make me feel cozy and healthy.There were birds in the park which got my interest a lot. I should go there mote often!

Karya Anliak
Iris Bos - 0984858 - Group D

Walking and hiking has always been a great hobby of mine, and now with lockdown i have been doing it much on my own although i have noticed that enjoy it more when there is someone along the way. Im not really a person who likes that quiet focus moment during walk, i live on my own so i have already enough 'Me-time". I used to walk in the Dunes with my mom, now i visit friends who live close to forests. i even went on a hike in a forest last week during the extreme snow. I like chatting up and having silly fun times. its my kind of social meditation, so headspace really wasn't much for me. i also had the unfortunate moment of having blisters and bruises from my long ice-skate trips, so the timing wasnt perfect for me. but it felt mentally healthy and i should really force myself to walk a small route in the morning.
Laura van Mosselveld

At first I really wasn't in the mood for a walk, at least I thought so. But as I was walking it was super nice. it gave me energy for the rest of the day. I also found it a very nice idea that I was listening to the same thing as others and at the same time. I actually don't walk alone that often but I was surprised about how nice it was.
Liza Koval
Group D

In the beginning I realised that I went outside too early, and decided to go for a longer distance since I had extra time. The exercises reminded me of Mindfulness, something I've done back in high school. It was very enjoyable and calming till the last moment, when I realised I walked a bit too far off and had to hurry back home. But overall it was nice to spend some time to just purely focus on yourself and the surroundings. I felt that allowed some room for serendipity that I have captured in my sketches.
Yara Perotti
Group D

Since the second lockdown, I try to walk at least half an hour every day. I usually do this at the end of the day to clear my head. But what I noticed now is that, because I started walking as soon as I woke up, my day started very fresh. It was really nice to wake up this way. I think I will definitely be doing this more often and I would recommend it to everyone.
Eva ten Have
Group D

Going on this walk felt like a good way to start the day. I’ve been tracking my steps since the curfew and this was a good way to get ahead on my 10,000 steps a day. I liked the headspace part of the podcast, but my headphones are old and the quality of the music didn’t sound good so I prefer walking with my own music. Overall I like walking and enjoyed doing something I do anyways as part of an assignment.
Meintje Bastemeijer (0947284)
Group D

I didn't have a clear idea of where to walk to. So I decided to go wherever felt right in the moment. Normally when I go on a walk, I take my dog with me. So it felt a little unnatural to walk without him. But now, it was a good feeling to focus on my body and mind while walking. It's a very nice way to start a day. When I got home, I felt more energised. Definitely going to take walks like this more often :)
Rachel Clements
Group D

While I like to walk around a lot, as it’s something that I already do I found that I actually couldn’t enjoy the walk this time, I rarely take walks in the mornings as is the time of the day when its colder for me and also meanly because of my own mood this day and instead of getting calm I just keep getting irritated by small things even when trying to concentrated, but it is something I would like to try to do again when I’m in much better conditions on my own.

Justinas Prekeris
Group D

At first, I was really unmotivated to take this walk, as long as I tried, it was really therapeutic. I enjoyed walking with the actual point to just walk, because usually when I am walking I am in a hurry trying to make it somewhere on time. I did not have a clear idea of where to go, therefore I just went to the closest park to my place and that actually turned out nice.
Rosalie van Wetten
group D

Walking without a clear goal or motivation felt very strange. I've been told a lot of times in the past that walking would be helpful, it would apperantly be helpful with my insomnia and chronic headaches, and I've tried in the past. But usually it just stresses me out more, the many sounds of cars and bright lights in the streets are always a bit bothersome, and I'm always afraid a lack of distraction will lead my thoughts to immideately start spiralling. But despite all that, while I was walking there, in the early morning with a lot less hustle-bustle than usual, and with my headphones in my ears, I was suprised to find that I didn't mind it that much. it was genuinely quite calming and somewhat enjoyable, and I'm hoping this experience may inspire me to take more seemingly pointless walks like this.
Eva Vlieger
Group D
I usually walk with music but never with meditation or someone speaking so that was strange at first. It was nice to focus on my body and surroundings rather than my destination. I am usually very easily distracted but with the walking and speaking in my ears I focused quite well. I found it overall quite calming. I also never walk that early and it was notably calmer and there were less people than I'm used to.
Niki Scheijen
Group D
Considering I already biked to my studio in the morning, going outside again wasnt that big of a step for me as it would have been if i would go straight from home.
I really liked walking with the recording because I always bring music or a podcast when I walk alone. It was still a little slippery but most ice had finally melted away, so walking without fear of slipping for the first time in more than a week felt really good. Even the sun came out. Because there wasnt really any nature close I chose to walk towards the water through the old city centre of Dordrecht
Francis Belte
Group F
It was hard at first to get used to concentrating on yourself. I am the person that loves to look around therefore this sort of meditating and focus was hard. I got used to it quite quickly and enjoyed hearing the songs from my classmates. I really liked the moment of photographing the sky. I felt a sort of togetherness I would say.
(Celestine Group F)

I didn’t walk together with my peers but I really enjoyed the mindful walking although it was raining and I became very wet. I liked Karlijn’s voice (very nice and easy to get used to) and the music. As well it was very helpful that she guided me out of my house, maybe without this I didn’t went out. I became very peaceful and aware of my movements and those around me. When I came home, I had more appreciation for my surroundings and myself.
I was honestly not looking forward to going outside in the rain, but I'm so happy we had this assignment. Loved the mindfulness that was incorporated. I felt very peaceful and content when I got back home from this walk.

Valerie Bergen, Group F
I was pretty exited to walk because it was a long time ago when I walked through the nature around my parents house. Normally I walk with music but this was a nice experience. The time went really fast and I was really conscious of myself and my surroundings. Walking with a goal was also fun and especially when you go to places you havent seen in years.
Siebe Wopereis
Group F
Nicholas Westgård
Group F

Taking walks with a podcast on is something I already enjoy doing. I try to do something like it at least a couple of times a week. I am however not used to listening to a "mindfulness" podcast, which was a pleasant change for once. I personally needed a few minutes to get into it, but I really enjoyed the experinece once I did. Although the podcast mainly made me focus on my movement, it put me in a state of mind where I started observing all the other movements around me. I gained a new appreciation for how the straw along the pond moved in the wind, branches danced, and the birds where waddling around.
Samantha Heymans - Group F

Walking outside while listening to a podcast or music is not something I'd often do on my own. Mostly because I tend to go outside with a goal in mind or because I prefer to be aware of my surroundings, such as the sound of oncoming traffic or people.

Listening to the podcast reminded me a lot of guided meditation I used to do during my martial arts classes, so it was quite nice. As well as the music tracks chosen by my fellow classmen. Even with the rainy and gloomy weather it was nice to take a calm walk outside. I will say that, maybe because I'm in such an urban area, I was not able to completely calm down and shift my focus away from the traffic and people.

Plus, since I ended up walking past a cemetary, the rain and grey skies added a bit of a melancholy/creepyness factor to the walk.